In 1964 on March 27th, an earthquake followed by a tsunami hit the western areas of USA. It was the most powerful recorded earthquake in the US history; having a moment magnitude of 9.2, it even lifted parts of Alaska. The massive ground movements unleashed a powerful tsunami, sloshing water up to 220ft high. Another impactful destruction was when an underwater landslide and tsunami caused the Voltez dock to collapse, killing 32 people. Not only were the Alaskan coastal communities devastated by the tsunami, but so were the west coast regions including Oregon and California. This natural disaster caused soil liquefaction and several landslides that caused major structural damage to property. The result of the earthquake and tsunami had believed to have killed 139 people. Evidence of motion directly related to the earthquake was reported from all over the world.
Hydrosphere: The tsunamis causing destruction is related to the Hydrosphere as tsunamis are a series of waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of water.
Biosphere: The deaths impacted from the collapsing buildings and the damaged, irreparable property are all related to the Biosphere as these are both parts and contributions to the ecosystem
Lithosphere: The landslides and soil liquefaction are involved in the lithosphere, the earthquake also belongs in this category.
The three spheres correlate in this corresponding manner:
The earthquake caused by the movement of tectonic plates which belongs in the category of lithosphere, impacts the biosphere by killing many of its inhabitants and ruining countless structures. The landslides and soil liquefaction which also belong in the lithosphere category, are after-effects from the earthquake. The tsunamis belonging in the hydrosphere, were from the impacts of the moving tectonic plates belonging in the lithosphere category.
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